Monday, November 5, 2012

Is College Worth it ? Revised

                                                photo credit: Caucas' via photopin cc
       Do you want to make something of yourself ? Sometimes I find myself asking this exact question. Although, college is very expensive and things always don't work out, I belive that if a person is a the right college for them, it will make enjoying college and college work a little bit easier. College gives its students a chance to step out and explore things that they may want to do in the future.
                                                photo credit: cindiann via photopin cc
   Ask yourself is college worth it to you ? Many of the people that answer that question will say no. When thinking about college many people just think about what you have to do to get through it. I see it as think more about what you will get out of it in the long run. People should think about things like, " where will I be in ten years ?" In " Value of College Beyond Paycheck", it states that college is " not just learning things to make a living, but also learning things to enable you to do things with your life, to enable you to find interests and pursuits that may in some way or another expand the way we see things".
    Succeeding in college is up to you. The way you handle the experience is what will truely benefit you in the long run. During your college experience, if all you think about is the bad things that will happen, or the thoughts of maybe not having a job after you finish than your experience may not be the best. You make the decision about if college is worth it or not and you determine that. You have a clear path that you have set for yourself, set the goals that you want to follow and achieve them. In, "Why we Have College", Louis Maynard states, "College is, essentially, a four-year intelligence test. Students have to demonstrate intellectual ability over time and across a range of subjects. If they’re sloppy or inflexible or obnoxious—no matter how smart they might be in the I.Q. sense—those negatives will get picked up in their grades. As an added service, college also sorts people according to aptitude."
    If you weren't the best student in high school, like me then college is a new way of proving yourself,  by making better decisions and just trying to succeed overall. In, " The Education Our Economy Needs", the author the author talks about how many people feel that memorization is more important than good critical thinking and good communication skills when it comes to job applicants, but as the author stated, “ A candidate who demonstrates capabilities in critical thinking, creative problem solving and communication has a far greater chance of being employed today than his or her counterpart without these skills”. That basically means if you take the time and effort to better yourself in certain skills then you have a better chance of succeeding after college.
                                                  photo credit: courosa via photopin cc

    Also in, "Don't Miss The College Forest For the Career Trees", Bobby Fong explains "College can't serve you well without challenging you to integrate information and skills in ways you haven't before, and to apply the results to problems that may not yield clear and simple answers." I feel as though I always have to push myself to complete things, like assignments. I want to see can I really go through with this independent life. To prove to myself that I am capable of making it. I do this just to see if I made the right decision to go to college, or if I'm at the college I want to be at.
      I believe that yes college is worth the experience if you make it worth it. People have to stay positive and try to explore new things that will help them further themselves, or help them to stand out from the rest; like trying to overcome the things that they may have trouble with like writing, math, or even history.

                                             photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc


  1. I agree that people should think"where will I be in ten year?"And yes your college experience is worth it if you make it worth it. We can say the same about pretty much everything we decide, after all, life really is what we make it.

  2. I definitely agree with you! People often say college is not worth the investment because after obtaining a degree, you may still find yourself job-less. Having a degree will guarantee no one a job if you don't display application and dedication to what is it you want to do. It's all in effort! If you don't show yourself approved, the things you want to pursue will not excel!
