Monday, October 22, 2012

Sharing Is Caring

"Sharing is a big deal these days. Sharing is a growth industry, a new field of study and of practice; it presents a realm of career opportunities, a new way of life, and a concept around which we are restructing our world."
-Janelle Orsi, co-author of The Sharing Solution
photo credit: Rosaura Ochoa via photopin cc
   In the book "Share or Die:Voices of the Get Lost Generation in the age of Crisis", I read about the ten ways the world is becoming more shareable. Sharing techniques, lifestyles, and businesses may be what is best for everyone, by reading about the rough experiences they have gone through. It would cut down on the amount of debt that is happening now, and also educate others. Sharing may be a good way to give other people a new way of thinking about things or a new prespective of life. Sharing experiences could prevent others from making the same mistakes to just keep worsening the state that cities are in now, like people going through identity fraud due to the information that they put on the internet. I believe that sharing, not only information, but knowledge about personal experiences will have a large impact on our generation and the world overall. I have noticed that many of the sharing methods in this essay are very useful. Social media and the internet are both things that I am familiar with and they both have advantages from a positive and negative side.
   From the social media point of view I have seen that Facebook is a large sharing site. It can be used as a way to share information with people to find lost family members. I have put my own personal information into the site just to find family members that I haven't spoken to in years. I also used facebook to locate my God mother that I was separated from at a young age. Social media and the internet can also keep people from doing things that may harm them. The right information in the hands of the wrong person can teach someone a quick lesson. These websites have no filter so people become careless, and will put information about their social security numbers and other things into sites that are not protected. This could be an example to educate people about the correct ways to use the internet and many social media sites.Youtube is also another way I have seen social media and the internet being used. Many of my professors this semester have used it to post study guides, feedback on certain assignments, and also to show instructional videos.
       " If Facebook was a country, it would be the fourth largest country in the world by population with over 800 million users."

                                          photo credit: The Daring Librarian via photopin cc


  1. I agree with you that social networking and sharing on the internet is a great way to make sure no one else makes that mistake and that its a great way to stay in contact with family. However, I would have to say that sharing too much on the internet can be a way for predators to get people or for someone to stalk people.

  2. I do think any social media site can be dangerous if we use them blindfully rather than mindfully but, as someone who also located family members on facebook, I believe that the good outweighs the bad as long as we remember to be cautious.

  3. I like how you started out your blog post with a quotation that illustrates and supports the topic you will be discussing in your post. However, I don't see where you are responding to a specific essay in the book, but more a general topic. Also, I'm not sure how your discussion of using social media to share information relates to specific issues about sharing discussed in the book. I haven't read all of the book yet, so some more specific discussion of it would have helped me to better understand how the book led you to your conclusions regarding social media.
